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Innovation Technology
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Electronic Medias are gaining more and more versus the traditional paper advertising and brochures world.

Mobile Marketing is transferring information via 2D-Codes into the internet and offers hundreds of possibilities to communicate with stakeholders….simply with the mobile/smart phone.

Webinars are increasingly used and substitute conferences.

Electronic Trade-Shows are permanently on the net and online exhibitions are on the way to loose.

E-Incentiv Systems are widely introduced to give customer an ongoing advantage…”miles and more” is everywhere.

Take-off Scouting for Innovation GmbH · CH 8253 Diessenhofen · Höhenstrasse 21 · Fon  +41 (52) 6572311 · Mobile: +41 79 849 2330 ·info@take-off-scouting.com · www.take-off-scouting.com