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Online-Tracability is now state of the art in modern logistics. For project site management container systems are widely used. But when it comes to consignment and to replenish the content of the container, traditional methods are used. People take the phone or fax or go back to office and order. With a QR-Code at or in the container, the replenishment can be done simply through the camera of a mobile phone. The QR-Code transfers to the web and there the order-list can be shown. It is easy to order via phone, while all order-processing can be integrated when the website where the order-list is placed is connected to the order-administration software.
Take-off Scouting for Innovation GmbH · CH 8253 Diessenhofen · Höhenstrasse 21 · Fon  +41 (52) 6572311 · Mobile: +41 79 849 2330 ·info@take-off-scouting.com · www.take-off-scouting.com